We are back in the pool! Practice Times Updated.

We are back in the pool! Practice Times Updated.
April 8, 2022

We are back in the pool! There are new dates and times.  Please reschedule accordingly.

Also please spread the word that TRYOUTS are MOVED TO APRIL 27- 3:30-5PM

Sunday 4/10 
8am – 9am  Groups 1 – 2
9am – 10:00am Groups 3 – 4

Monday 4/11  

3:30-5pm Group 1 – 2

Wed 4/13 

3:30-5pm Group 3 – 4

Wed 4/20 

3:30-4:15 Groups 1 – 2
4:15-5:30 Groups 3 – 4

Sunday 4/24

6 – 10am SWIM-A-THON
Monday 4/25 3 – 5pm SWIM-A-THON make up

Wed 4/27 3:30-5pm TRYOUTS

After Swimathon we are done! There will be no more practice and our season is officially over.We still have upcoming events such as SWIM AWARDS – date and time TBA, but usually mid June
And SPLISH SPLASH where we go as a team on JUNE 30th. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR DETAILS. 

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